Mathew 18:5

"And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me." Mathew 18:5

Monday, May 25, 2015


God has called us to adopt again. Before I tell you our unique journey to our children, I would like to address the question that I have been asked. Why are you adopting again? Most likely my response will not satisfy everyone. For whatever answer we give there could be a “not so positive “  counter response. Adoption is not for everyone. We are all called to do things. Some are called to live in another country to serve God. Others are called to preach and share the good news of Jesus. We believe we are called to adopt children around the world. I feel it’s our purpose. This is what I believe, if your passion is consistent with God’s will then pursue it! We believe that God is calling us to care for his children. This is something we CAN do! Adopting doesn’t make us a Hero or a better Christian. Adoption for us,  is exactly what God has  called us to do and we are exactly where god wants us to be.

Here’s our story. On April 7th a beautiful adoptive momma posted in a private adoption group. She posted and asked for a special prayer request. She stated in her post that she adopted three children from ET. Her oldest boy had one concern when they brought him home. He wanted to find a family for is friend. She told him that they would do everything they could do and would always maintain contact with his friend no matter what happened. They prayed and shared. They sent letters and packages to these kids. Yes kids, brother and sister. She wanted them both to know they are loved and not forgotten. Her, and her family, wanted their son’s heart to know he has done all he can for his friend. So they were advocating for these precious children, and even developed a grant to be given to the family who adopts them. I read this post and almost fell apart. I thought to myself, I have to help these kids find a home. I private messaged her at 8:42 that same night. It went something like this, “I just adopted a little boy 9 months ago from ET. At this point we cannot afford to adopt again, but I will do everything I can do to find them a home. I own a salon, and am going to an orphan conference on Friday. I will advocate my heart out for them. My mission is to find them a family.” My last sentence to her was, “They have my heart.” I prayed for these two daily. I carried their pictures everywhere with me and I had no luck finding a family for them. April 20th I texted her again asking if she found a family, and she said no. So we went on and kept praying and hoping for them.   

May 3rd God made it very clear to Nick and I that it was ok to stop trying to find a family for them. He told us that they were our children. He dropped us to our knees and we gave up all fears and control. May 4th I reached out to this momma to let her know that God spoke to us and let us know that they are ours. No more trying to find a family. Their family is right here, in Van Wert Ohio. That day was very emotional for Cheryl and I. God answered our prayers. Not only our prayers. But the prayers of the child who was adopted and had one dream. That dream was for his best friend and his sister to have a family. All because of an amazing, kind mother, who loved her son so much, and wanted his dreams to come true, we have a son and daughter waiting for us in ET. For that we will be forever grateful. Friday May 15th we received our official referral for our children at 1:30. Praise the lord! Orphan no more “E” and “B”! Three years is way too long to wait, mommy and daddy are coming.

All of our kids are so excited about their new brother and sister. To hear Kuchman pray for them to come home is overwhelming. Just a year ago we were praying for him to come home. God writes the most beautiful stories. Thank you for reading about this amazing journey to our children we are blessed to have you follow along.