We have been waiting 18 months since referral to bring them home. They have been waiting to come home 3 years before our referral. Add 18 more months on that wait y'all! Our children have been waiting almost 5 years for a family. That breaks my heart into a million pieces. I don't know anyone who likes to wait. Do you? I can't even stand to wait in line at a store. Can you image what it's like for them waking up everyday praying that today is the day their family will come? I just can't even handle thinking about that.
Waiting is hard work and at times it can even test our faith. It's especially difficult when you have no idea how long you will be waiting and it is totally out of your control.
The wait has tempted me to be impatient, discouraged, to worry and to even wonder if God really cares.
I confessed this to a Client one day and she said this" let's look at this wait as God teaching you patience." My response to her was "ummmmmmmmm PATIENCE, what's that? Do you know my family? The Steyers?
I have been thinking about what she said ever since she left my shop. It seems to me patience involves some kind of waiting, whether it's waiting in a long line at the store or waiting for my children to come home. So I pray and lay my request before him. I see now that God is teaching me patience , ( that I never thought I could be taught) it's by faith that I wait and watch in anticipation of God's good work. Im going to put my hope into him. I will try so hard to wait patiently and trustingly, I will choose to honor God in this wait. I believe in the power of prayer so right now I'm asking everyone of you who read my blog to pray our kids home.