Mathew 18:5

"And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me." Mathew 18:5

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Tonight as I type this, I can’t tell you how emotional I am at this point. Tuesday K’s dad has his court date and I have praying and begging the Lord to somehow get him there. I am extremely anxious and have felt the anxiety take me over. I know y’all are praying so hard for BP to make it there, and I just know God hears your prayers. I had a mental break down when BP didn’t show on April 1st. When I crashed I reached out to adoptive momma friends and they picked me right off the floor with their prayers and kind words. I cried out to God and asked for help. I know that God is eager to help me. He loves me so much and doesn’t want me to go through these trials alone. I did feel comfort in knowing that God has this. Please pray that K’s daddy makes it there on Tuesday the 15th. We so badly want to meet our son. Please also pray for K’s daddy this will be an emotional day for him. I pray God will give him peace and comfort.

On another note Hannah’s Hope needs donations for the children there. That is the transition home where K is living. I am so grateful for HH. They have taken care of my child and many others. Many of these children are very sick when they enter the gates. The special mothers there help get these children healthy again, K being one of them. I am asking every one of you who read my blog and are following this journey to my son, if you could please donate one thing? I promise I’m not asking for much. We all can afford one bottle of baby shampoo or a packet of wipes or diapers. I’m begging y’all please help HH out. I will be taking these donations with me. Remember if BP makes it to court we may be leaving at the end of the month. It would be amazing if Nick and I had way too many bags to take with us filled with donations for ET.

Here is a list of the needs at HH

Baby oil/lotion
Baby shampoo
Baby socks
Baby washcloths
Baby clothes
Baby PJ’S
Towels for babies
Hair oil for toddlers
Towels foe toddlers
PJ’s 4t-12 youth
Clothes and shoes for older kids …. Ages 4-13 
One more note, I received a present for K in the mail from my dear friend Erica and I wanted to share. Love her! Here are the pics:  

Friday, April 4, 2014


I’m saddened to tell all of you that K’s daddy didn’t make it to court on April 1st. This day was very emotional for me. All morning I felt sick from anxiety. Then I got the call from Julie my caseworker that he didn’t make it. I got off the phone and finished my cut and color. After my client left I crumbled and I yelled WHY God? I could not stop crying and asking why? I was truly a mess! Then something (God) told me to reach out to a friend Heidi who is waiting to bring her beautiful baby girl home from ET also. After reaching out to her she sent me this message “God will redeem this. He will. Satan does not win. He cannot take your joy. Your confident hope has DEEP roots in Jesus, we won’t be shaken. Jesus has this. He does. He will do it. He will reach down and work a mighty miracle to bring your boy home where he belongs.” This message literally picked me up off the floor. I will be forever grateful. Not only did she send me that, she also sent me some amazing bible verses that have helped her on her journey to her daughter, of whom she has waited 3 years for. She also contacted her mother and she started praying for me also. These are women I have never met, now praying to our Savior, for myself and K. I felt those prayers in my heart that day. Those prayers got me through and I was able to finish my day at the salon without having another total melt down. The power of friends that God has connected through adoption is pretty amazing. A bond that cannot be broken for sure! 

So I need to tell the next step. K’s daddy has been rescheduled for court again on April 15th. He also has embassy on the 16th. This is good folks because he won’t have to travel twice. Remember he had the embassy date on the 16th anyways? So he would have had to travel twice if he would have made it to the April 1st date. And remember it takes 2 ½ days to get there.  My photo album and letter for K’s dad is there in Ethiopia and he will receive it on the 16th. Please Pray K’s dad makes it there on the 15th. Please pray for comfort for him and K that day. If he doesn’t make it there I am not 100% sure what will happen. Will they file a police report which will take longer for K to come home? Will they just go with the first paperwork that K’s dad signed when he relinquished K? I don’t know? At this point I’m praying and believing in the Lord that this is all in his plans. I’m hoping and praying that in God’s plans K’s daddy will be there on the 15th and our Lord will be there with his hand on K’s daddy’s shoulder as he reads my letter and signs that paper.  

On a HAPPY note Heidi, (my friend) who I mentioned earlier, well her BP did show up to her court that day! WAHOO! Let me tell you she has the cutest most precious baby girl. God is moving mountains to bring her home. This is Heidi’s first child and she is just an itty bitty baby. So if God continues to move mountains to bring her baby home, Heidi will not miss out on to many first’s with her baby girl! Let’s  pray ya all!